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Digital Output Magazine
Digital Output magazine provides news and information for the high-growth digital graphics and printing industry. In its twentieth year of publication, the magazine continues to be an authority in the industry, educating subscribers, and reinforcing manufacturer brand awareness. Digital Output helps bridge the information gap between printers, designers, and imagers with its unique, application-driven approach.
Digital Publishing Solutions
Digital Publishing Solutions magazine is a business publication that spotlights publishing solutions created by the digital revolution. It is edited for management in corporate enterprise and graphic arts markets. DPS provides editorial topics including; digital printing, content/asset management, customer retention management, variable data printing, one to one marketing, e-billing, workflow, and Web publishing.
Industrial Print Magazine
Industrial Print magazine covers a range of digital products and services in nine broad areas�3D, Bio-Medical, Ceramics, Electronics, Flooring, Glass, Laminates, Packaging, and Textiles. Editorial focuses on each of these segments to provide subscribers with the most up-to-date information on every aspect of the technologies that aff ect their business.
Software Magazine
Softwaremag.com, the IT Software Journal, is focused on pointing the CIOs, IT managers, IT staff, and surrounding professionals to the product and service options available to help them address their business challenges. We do this through the Software 500 revenue-based ranking of the leading software and service providers worldwide, and through our editorial features, columns, and new product coverage, and associated Buyers Guides, across our editorial focus areas.